
twitter & fareed zakaria

I'm starting to wonder if Twitter is the new blog, seems like everything that needs to be said at a point in time can be done in less than 140 characters.

I'll be the first the say I was vehemently against it because the whole concept was crazy to me, I thought there was no way this was going to catch on. But Twitter was so crazy that it worked. Turns out people do want to know what you're up to all the time, its mindless and interesting all the same, it lets you in on things about friends you wouldn't have otherwise known. Maybe privacy got overrated.

My desktop is a mess; a clutter of documents and lecture notes from the past semester but I'm so busy I can't find the time to clear it. Busy sleeping and watching TV. I don't hate the gym as much as I used to anymore, finally developed a level of tolerance for it. A friend told me we're supposed to love the things we hate, I thought that made a lot of sense. I talked to an elderly guy at the gym once, he was asking why I go there and I said it was just a way for me to keep fit, he said 'wait until you get married, you'll put on a lot of weight and you wouldn't want to go to the gym anymore'.

Nothing more exciting than watching Fareed Zakaria on CNN every Sunday, he's the new flavour of the month. He's incredibly well-versed in politics and finance that you can't help but be impressed. Its as if he has absolute knowledge on everything and can solve all of the world's problems..in one day? Editor of Newsweek International and a regular columnist, his articles range from terror attacks in India to the global economy. Listening to his views makes you feel slightly smarter and leaves you completely inspired.

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