
racing like a pro.

I'll get money, I'll get funny again.
Walk away now, and you're gonna start a war.
The National, Start A War.

I can't stop listening to that song, or that album for that matter. Their songs have been playing on my computer and ipod in a loop for days now. Racing Like A Pro, Mistaken For Strangers, Slow Show, Start A War: just few of the many incredible tracks on the album. If the music doesn't get you then the lyrics will. They're the perfect excuse to walk home alone.

My eyelids feel like they weigh a tonne whenever I start perusing the textbooks or lecture notes. I feel like my brain is literally preventing any information from getting in by cutting out my vision. But I guess thats the same with everyone. I'm still unable to get any decent studying done despite the exam being way too close for comfort now :(

Ambassador Theatre, Dublin, Ireland.
Oct 30 The National
Nov 13 Cold War Kids
Nov 25 Klaxons

holy shiitake, I Really wanna go.

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